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SPCA Summer Camps - Activities, Outdoor Fun and Time Spent With Animals

Cherry Lane Equine


Cherry Lane offers a variety of spring and summer camps each year:
Beginner /intermediate Rider Camp - specifically designed to introduce children ages 8 - 16 to the wonderful and inspirational world of horses, in a safe, fun and fully supported environment and to advance the skills of the intermediate riders. Riders will learn & refine the skills necessary to safely handle and care for their equine partner, and to become confident working with their horse, both on the ground and under saddle, including:
how to catch, halter & lead a horse, as well as basic groundwork such as working in hand & lunging
the how and why of good grooming
Care and use of your horse's tack
Proper riding position and the aids used to communicate with your horse
The program may also cover general herd dynamics, horse anatomy, nutrition, etc., as time permits.
Friday afternoon horse show.

Intermediate & Day Camps - for those riders with more experience.... camp activities vary year to year, but can include a dressage day, hunter/jumper day, games day, drill team, agility, trail ride, mock show day, trek, beach ride....

email: cherrylane@shaw.ca

Facility Information

Phone 1: (250) 880-1568
Address: 5480 Sooke Rd
Area: Metchosin
Facility Link: www.cherrylaneequine.com/

Royal BC Museum
Clubs,Camps, Youth & Family Events in Victoria BC